Saturday, October 30, 2010


Selfishness.. I have been really thinking about this word and the last 23 years of my life. I have lived a completely selfish life. It may not be in a way that most people think of, but I have been conversationally selfish. What do I mean by this?

My whole life I have kept my faith to myself. I would share some about it every once in awhile, however, it was never a part of my normal conversation. I think it stems from my realization that my faith was not what defined my life, until about 6 months ago. Since then, I have struggled with the realization that talking about my faith in every day normal conversation was absent.

Why is it that we seem to keep something so important to ourselves? We might talk to others who share the same faith about what God is doing in our lives; but why not just talk about Christ in every day conversation? I have been extremely convicted by this.

I had a “light bulb” moment last night while having an awesome conversation with a friend. We were talking about how are people supposed to follow Christ if they are not predisposed to Christ; which is so true! But that is why I felt so selfish. I have kept this “secret” to myself for so long, and all along, I could have been simply talking about Christ. This is the reality that hit me:
What if the simple ways that we interject Christ and our faith into everyday conversation were the little links that others were missing from not being predisposed to Christ? Are we scared of rejection? Weird looks? Not “fitting in?” Why is it so hard? Well, it shouldn’t be!

I encourage each and every one of you to please listen to when the Holy Spirit leads you into those conversations where you easily can incorporate Christ. If you don’t want to do this due to fear, then maybe the question you should be evaluating first is, “Is Christ really my EVERYTHING?” If he is, then I truly feel that we need to quit being selfish and start aiding in the piecing together of other’s walk with Christ, no matter where they are in their exploration or walk with Christ!

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